Busyness vs. Business

Many people today tend to confuse activity for achievement. Think about it...they are busy but they aren't really achieving anything. I heard someone talk the difference in effectiveness and efficiency. Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things. Let me expound on that a couple of steps further and say that excellence is doing the right things right. And finally, those who know Christ and are filled with His spirit, spirit-led people do the right things right at the right time.
Too often we spend so much energy in doing things that we fail to achieve the results that we aimed for. Remember Martha when Jesus went to her house and Mary was there. Martha was running around totally service motivated. She was very, very busy. She was busy doing "stuff". It was probably good stuff. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. Jesus looked at Martha, the busy one, and said, “Martha, you are careful and troubled about many things”. What he was telling her is that there is a difference in busyness and business. He was saying your activity is prohibiting your achievement. Careful and troubled people seldom use faith. They have no plan. It’s good to have a plan.
Many years ago, my former partner in ministry, Carman, wrote a song called "Get Your Business Straight with God". If we can get our business right with God we won't fall into a trap of busyness. Don't let an abundance of activity keep you from an anointed achievement. Get your business right with God today!


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