2 Corinthians 5:17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us."
You are the message. People are watching YOU today and listening to what you say. In fact, you occupy a pulpit...your own personal space of ministry in your circle of influence. You are the message. The question is "what message are you?" When we ask Christ to live in our hearts we are made new...we are born again. God reconciles us to himself and then gives to us that ministry of reconciliation where we are to go and bring others to Him as well. You represent! You bring this before others and you stand as a symbol or a sign of a life changed and transformed by the power of God! We are ambassadors of Christ...we represent the King of Kings. When we speak it is if though God was speaking through us.
How are you "representing"? Do your words match your actions? Could people tell what you believe in by the things that are important to you and the places you invest your time, talents and treasure? You are a NEW creation! Lay down the old and walk forward in the new. This is YOUR day to walk in live a blessed heal those that are sick and bring hope to those that have lost it. God gave you a ministry! Now go...represent! Word!
You are the message. People are watching YOU today and listening to what you say. In fact, you occupy a pulpit...your own personal space of ministry in your circle of influence. You are the message. The question is "what message are you?" When we ask Christ to live in our hearts we are made new...we are born again. God reconciles us to himself and then gives to us that ministry of reconciliation where we are to go and bring others to Him as well. You represent! You bring this before others and you stand as a symbol or a sign of a life changed and transformed by the power of God! We are ambassadors of Christ...we represent the King of Kings. When we speak it is if though God was speaking through us.
How are you "representing"? Do your words match your actions? Could people tell what you believe in by the things that are important to you and the places you invest your time, talents and treasure? You are a NEW creation! Lay down the old and walk forward in the new. This is YOUR day to walk in live a blessed heal those that are sick and bring hope to those that have lost it. God gave you a ministry! Now go...represent! Word!