Break up the Ground!
What a week we are having! Sowing for ourselves and reaping some powerful love for others as a result. Maybe you find it hard to get anything growing in your life. One mistake we often make is the pre-planting requirement. Our text says to "break up the unplowed ground". Imagine trying to plant something in the ground pictured here. The seeds would fall in the cracks or be snatched up by the birds or burned out by the blazing sun. Preparation always precedes success. In fact its when preparation meets opportunity that success arrives.
Have you left a dream on the shelf? Are there things that have not manifested in your life that you have been praying for? Maybe the ground wasn't ready for planting the first time. Go back and break up the dry ground and get it ready to receive the seeds that you need to plant. Add some of the water of the Word of God to get the soil ready for the new growth. Your dream is about to get some new life! That ministry you wanted to start is about to be born! This is YOUR season!