Rebuild, Repair and Revive!

I’ve been spending much of my time getting to really know what the Lord says about me. I want to believe that I can do all that He desires me to do and be all that He said I could be. I can almost feel His Spirit growing in me everyday!
In Isaiah 61:4 it talks about a rebuilder, a repairer and a reviver. Those of us whom God has chosen are going to have these abilities. It really means that we will rebuild things that others say are ruined. Things, maybe even people, that have been discarded and destroyed will be repaired by us! And we will revive areas that have had no life in them for years. The bottom line, God is in the restoration business and He has recruited YOU!
Imagine walking into a situation that everyone else says is too far gone and rebuilding it back stronger than ever. Or being a friend to someone that feels they have lost the only person worth living for and helping them repair a broken heart. Or starting a ministry of life giving outreach in a city that has no outreach at all right now. Turning ghost towns into Holy Ghost towns!
Because YOU have the Spirit of the Lord upon you and have been anointed by God, you can change your environment. You can choose to make a difference and walk into any situation and bring life, healing and hope.
So don’t be surprised today when you pray and God shows up! Don’t be alarmed by the fact that the bad office situation goes away as you take it to the Lord. And don’t be scared by the fact that the dream you thought was dead years ago jumps right back up alive and in front of you! This is the season…this is the time…you are going to use the power that God has placed in you to do all for the things that God has set up in advance for you to do! Be a rebuilder, a repairer and a reviver today.


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