Good News!

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me,
for the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor. Isaiah 61:1
I truly believe that the Lord has some BIG plans for all of us. What thrills me the most is that I see people getting the chance to see “change”; change in their bodies and emotions. People are being healed…testimonies of God’s grace are being spoken, hearts are being mended and people are being saved by the power of God. Why? Because according to Isaiah 61, the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon us and we have been anointed for this! Yes, God has some BIG plans for us!
There are some things that God expects us to do with the power that He has placed upon us. One of those things is pass on the story of how He changed us. We do that by sharing His story as well. He has anointed us to preach the good news to the poor. The word for poor is actually meek, which translates as “the quality of being patient in the reception of injuries.” We are empowered to share stories of His power with others. To bring good tidings to people that are being patient thought they have been wounded. The quality of your life is used to change the quality of someone elses.
Today, you have have an anointing on you to make life better for someone else. In doing so, God promises to take care of the things that you need. Bring good news today! We can all use some more of that!


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