No More Excuses!
“But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”- 1 Samuel 16:7
There are many folks that never find their sweet spot of success because they make excuses. You'll just keep on losing if you keep on EXCUSING! To say you aren't tall enough, pretty enough or that you don't have the right clothes or live in the right neighborhood. Let me tell you today that God just doesn't care about all of that! When He looks at you He does not see clothes or height or weight or neighborhoods. The Lord does not look at what people do. People look at all of those EXTERIOR things but God looks at the INTERIOR. He is interested in your heart...your motivation...your longings and your desires. You see He knows that your heart is the location of your treasure so that is what is most important to Him. Without heart, you can do nothing. When your heart is healthy, your life is wealthy!
Today stop talking about why you can't and start living like you can. If God is for you, who could possibly be against you? And if they are, so what! God is bigger than any problem, any trial and any situation.
There are many folks that never find their sweet spot of success because they make excuses. You'll just keep on losing if you keep on EXCUSING! To say you aren't tall enough, pretty enough or that you don't have the right clothes or live in the right neighborhood. Let me tell you today that God just doesn't care about all of that! When He looks at you He does not see clothes or height or weight or neighborhoods. The Lord does not look at what people do. People look at all of those EXTERIOR things but God looks at the INTERIOR. He is interested in your heart...your motivation...your longings and your desires. You see He knows that your heart is the location of your treasure so that is what is most important to Him. Without heart, you can do nothing. When your heart is healthy, your life is wealthy!
Today stop talking about why you can't and start living like you can. If God is for you, who could possibly be against you? And if they are, so what! God is bigger than any problem, any trial and any situation.