Let God

All week long we have been talking about letting go...of guilt, of wounds and of our need to know everything. What a difference adding that little "d" to the end makes! One small letter ushers in an answer to the release and gives permission to the Lord to intervene in all that is happening.
Have you ever thought about how many things you went into alone and tried to fix by yourself because you did not invite the Lord into your situation? How often did He desire to help me but I just did not let Him? He did say ASK and you would receive. He wants us to dialogue with Him and to talk about what is happening in our life. Like I'm taking to you today...simple conversation with the ONE who breathed life into yours! One of the easiest prayers in the world is just one word....HELP!
Letting God requires the letting go. You cannot hold on to one end of the circumstance and give Him the other. Hopefully this week you have felt the release of that guilt and the release of that resentment. Now, just let God begin to heal and bring hope that can only be found in Him.


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