Let Go!

As we embark on another week, many folks that sat in church yesterday missed an opportunity to start fresh. Why? Because of the things that they won't let go of. I see it happen every week! All of us seem to want to hold on to things longer than we ought to...things like worry, being wronged and being wounded. We cannot afford to walk into a new season in our life carrying the old luggage of past hurts and wounds.
Today we look at worry. Let go of worry. Proverbs 12:25 (NLT) says, “Worry weighs a person down.” What could you do if today, right now, you were able to let go of worry? Worry will take away your strength and worry will make all of your problems look bigger. Why not introduce that problem to the Lord today? Everything looks different when you hold it up to the Lord!
Worry will stop us from moving forward in the plan that the Lord has for us. It paralyzes and prohibits growth.
So how can I get rid of this luggage of "worry"? Psalm 55:22 (NCV) says, “Give your worries to the Lord and He will take care of you.” He says, “Let it go. Give it to Me. I’ll take care of it.”
Star your week right. Let it go. Like the song says, don't worry, be happy! Anytime you feel like worrying today, just say a quick prayer and give that worry to the Lord!


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