Light and Momentary
2 Corinthians 4:16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Are you ready for a great week! You should be! You cannot afford to "lose heart". It may appear that you are diminishing but things are not always what they seem. Remind yourself that no matter what it looks like on the outside, inwardly God is building you up and strengthening you so that you can come through victorious on the other side of this trial. The things that you are going through are not going to kill you, they will make you better. And they will always seem "light and momentary" when you compare them to the eternal glory that is waiting for you!
Yesterday, my garage door broke and my car was still in the garage. I did not find out until I was ready for church and ready to leave. It could not be opened manually and church was going to start in an hour. I was trapped at my house! Unfortunately I couldn't just say, well, I guess God does not want me to go to church....I'm the pastor! I laughed because this was sort of funny. It wasn't long before someone from the church came by to get me and take me to church. It was an amazing service and God continued to teach us how to step out in faith and expect great things! If you won't take a chance, you don't stand a chance!
After church a couple of our men came over to help get the car out of the was a light and "momentary" affliction! Fact is, if we keep on walking we will walk through all of the things that try to stop us! Fix your eyes on Jesus this week and watch how those problems diminish as your faith increases.
Are you ready for a great week! You should be! You cannot afford to "lose heart". It may appear that you are diminishing but things are not always what they seem. Remind yourself that no matter what it looks like on the outside, inwardly God is building you up and strengthening you so that you can come through victorious on the other side of this trial. The things that you are going through are not going to kill you, they will make you better. And they will always seem "light and momentary" when you compare them to the eternal glory that is waiting for you!
Yesterday, my garage door broke and my car was still in the garage. I did not find out until I was ready for church and ready to leave. It could not be opened manually and church was going to start in an hour. I was trapped at my house! Unfortunately I couldn't just say, well, I guess God does not want me to go to church....I'm the pastor! I laughed because this was sort of funny. It wasn't long before someone from the church came by to get me and take me to church. It was an amazing service and God continued to teach us how to step out in faith and expect great things! If you won't take a chance, you don't stand a chance!
After church a couple of our men came over to help get the car out of the was a light and "momentary" affliction! Fact is, if we keep on walking we will walk through all of the things that try to stop us! Fix your eyes on Jesus this week and watch how those problems diminish as your faith increases.