His Word

I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life.”- Psalm 119:93

I cannot imagine what life would be like without the Word of God. In my 50 years on the planet I have seen many highs and lows. The highs have been amazing and the lows have nearly destroyed me. During the highs I found myself praising the Lord for success and favor. And in the lows, I was crying out to Him for help to make the pain and depression go away. There were many times that no one was around to talk to or pour out my heart to. It was in those moments that the words on the pages of scripture came alive and gave me perspective and hope. The wisdom of the Lord has been the single most important factor in me keeping it together when life was falling apart.
The Bible is living and active which means that it works when we can't. Yet most of us will pick up a newspaper today before we think about reading God's Word.
Let me encourage you today to acquaint yourself with His precepts. His thoughts will keep you out of trouble and bring you into blessing. His Word is a blueprint for success in life and an eternity with God. It's our sword. Don't forget His words for they will always preserve you.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Lead on Lord.


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