Power Trip

In Luke 4 the Bible says something astonishing. That Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit... led by that spirit...into the desert? To be tempted by the devil! That's right, you can be led by the Spirit of the Lord into places that seem isolated and lonely and face temptation! Jesus spent 40 days and nights fasting and praying and using the written Word to fight off the temptation. In 1 Corinthians 10 it tells us that no temptation hits us that others have not or will not face. It says that with every temptation God will always provide a way out!
After the season of fasting, the devil came to Jesus when he was hungry. The devil always plays to your weakness: God always prays for your strength!
The power of the Spirit is how Jesus defeated the temptation and moved out of the wilderness. The Bible says that he left still being full of the spirit...he lost nothing...in fact he gained everything.
What good could possibly come out of a month and a half of severe trials and temptations? Know that ALL things work together for the good of those that love the Lord.(Romans 8:28) So whatever you may be going through, you can operate in the same power that Jesus did. You too can know that all things are being mixed and mingled together to make the best possible outcome for you. It's time you took a power trip,don't you think?
James 1:4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything


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