Milestones and Landmarks
There are some moments in our lives when we realize that we are part of something greater than ourselves. There are signs that we see along our way to help us chart our course and there are significant events and happening s that occur that have a profound impact on us. Yesterday at The Landing I had one of those moments.
I have felt that we were moving into a season at our church where God wanted to help us lay down some things that we have dragged along with us for years. The word DELIVERANCE came to my mind: the act of being rescued or set free. I was talking to our people about Peters miraculous escape from prison which I alluded to the other day here in my blog. And then I felt compelled, perhaps prompted is a better word, to ask our people to do what Peter did. That was to respond to the call of the the Lord. Peter had to get up and follow the angel IF he was going to be delivered. And he did. Many folks stood to their feet and walked down to the front of our church praying for themselves and for others that they knew. And then God prompted me again: "tell the people that they need to write down the things, people or situations that have them held captive and crumple up the paper and hurl it upon the altar. That's what Jesus asked us to do: cast our cares upon Him. It actually means to hurl them in the Lords direction. As I stood there on the platform looking at all the pieces of crumpled paper, I began to cry as I thought about them. These papers represented situations, people, hurtful and harmful emotions that they were no longer going to carry with them. Today, they would leave The Landing set free...delivered!
I don't know what you are going through today but I do know that whatever you are facing, God can give you a way out. Maybe you too can write down that thing that has held you captive for so long on your own piece of paper. Then crumple it up and throw it away. It's time to walk out of your chains. This can be a milestone in your walk with Christ. A landmark that marks the day you said enough to the chains that have kept you in captivity.
Who the Son sets FREE INDEED!