Tailor Made

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14

There is a great deal of attention being given to the way things are being made today, and where they are being made. Many people will buy only items manufactured in the USA. I believe that this is because they are proud of the country they live in and they want to support it by investing in its products. Let's stay with that train of thought and realize that you and I were created by God. God doesn't make junk! In fact we are fearfully and wonderfully made! So shouldn't we be proud of the One who made us and support Him by investing in His products? Things like faith, hope, love and His house of worship....the church?

One of the ways we worship Him is by gathering together with other people that are only interested in His products. We take that time to acknowledge Him, to thank Him for making us and understand more fully all the things that we can do because of how He put us together. And we end up knowing full well that we are awesome and He is awesome and that His plan was to make us great successes. You were tailor made!


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