Do Your Best...

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

All of us want to be approved. Any time that I get a letter in the mail that says those three encouraging words,"you've been approved", I smile because I made it into the club! Yes, it's true that those usually only come from the credit card companies but it still feels good!

The lesson is that we should be striving to grow closer to the Lord and to learn more about His ways. Personally I feel like much of the division we see in how church folks talk and act is because of incorrect handling of the word of truth. We have got to be careful when using God's Word. The BIBLE is our sword...our blueprint...a manual for understanding and navigating through life. If you want to put your life together, it will be easier when you read AND follow the directions. Only then can you live a life unashamed and boldly on fire for God.

We have to measure our actions against some type of standard. What standard do you measure your actions against?


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