Turn up the heat!

We are walking into the weekend...Palm Sunday weekend. It's a big one in the church world as this is the weekend that paves the way for Easter and the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The spiritual world is so much more prominent during this time as many people come back to church to see what changes have come about since last year. This year there has been a great deal of activity surrounding our church and the things we are walking towards.
Palm Sunday was the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem as the people waved palm branches and children sang Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! But just like the Tulsa weather, it would not take long for the climate to change. Cheers of Hosanna would be replaced by shouts of Crucify Him! Jesus would weep over the lost potential of Jerusalem. He would curse the lost potential of a fig tree. He would be furious about the temple being used to sell merchandise. And he would battle the internal conflict of wanting to get out of this deal and wanting to please His Father. You will hear many stories about this during Holy Week next week.
As you enter this weekend, why not turn up the heat in your spiritual life this year. Perhaps its time to invest yourself in a local place of worship and to use your abilities to help others further the cause of Christ. When you step out in faith, God meets you and takes you to another level. This could be the year you go higher and see more blessing in your life. Miracles still happen for those that seek them and move towards them in hope. What are you hoping for? Check out church this year with an open mind and an open heart. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!


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