Oil Can!

Yesterday at The Landing we continued our series The Gospel According to the Wizard of Oz. Our focus was on the Tinman. There are so many spiritual truths wrapped up in that marvelous story. The Tinman was after a heart. Before he could begin his journey he had to be "oiled" because he had rusted solid. Two words he muttered to Dorothy tell it all...oil can, oil can. I thought about today's church culture and how many have rusted immobile while they were just doing life and trying to make a difference. When the rains come, if we do not take care of what's important, we too will find ourselves rusted right in the middle of a chop.
The oil that the Tinman needed is symbolic our our need for the anointing of God to help us begin to move again. Oil can stop friction. Oil can keep things running smoothly. Oil can keep us from overheating. And once we have been "oiled" we can move into the things that God has called us to do with our whole heart.
Are you stuck right now? Have you found yourself growing a bit cold towards the things of God and His purposes for your life? The oil of gladness is offered to you and me today to bring a smooth transition into our life and turn our mourning into dancing. It's time to get unstuck. We've been rusted solid long enough. Let the spirit of God rule and reign in your heart today.


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