
Throughout scripture you can read two words that can help you in any harmful situation..."take courage". It would seem that there is a choice when faced with impending take or not take courage. As Christians, our courage comes in hearing the Word of God and standing upon it while the situations are happening.
My heart goes out to Pastor Winters in Illinois and what must have transpired yesterday. In a matter of moments he was approached by a man with a gun. I wondered what the final words must have been in the exchange between the pastor and this man. One minute you are in service and the next moment everything has changed. After reading about the pastor and seeing the fruit from his life, I am certain that Pastor Winters took courage.
Today, let's pray for God to give us more understanding of how to take courage. This is our time to stand up for what we believe and to shine in the midst of the darkness. May God bless the First Baptist Church and the family of their pastor. God bless those that stepped in to take this attacker to the ground and protect the rest of the church family. They have all shown us true courage.


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