Believe that He is...

Hebrews 11 talks about faith. It is said to be the very fabric of the things that we are hoping for and the manifestation and reality of what we cannot see. Faith has done many things for people throughout the centuries. But the core element in activating the "unseen power" is only found in those that follow the faith formula. We should want to try and accomplish this because it is impossible to please God without faith.
The number one active ingredient in initiating your faith is that you must BELIEVE THAT HE IS. There are many folks in our world that cannot come to that resolution in their mind. Some believe that there is no God at all. Perhaps something tragic and life threatening has to occur before they come to grips with mortality. Believe that He is. Today I see Him in nature, a smile, a random act of kindness. It's not hard for me to see Him as I drink my morning coffee and feel the warmth of His love. Something inside of me is thankful and wants to know who this is that allows me to feel this way.
The second ingredient to launching faith is that you must believe that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. You can convince yourself of this fact by just talking to those that are seeking Him and asking them what God has done for them lately. Somewhere down the road, Christians stopped doing testimony services and sharing in public what was happening in private. Without the words of hope and victory, people can lose the belief that miracles still can happen. It's time to tell someone about the good things that God has done and is doing for you.
What better week to take of the "spiritual facade" and be absolutely real by sharing your heart and giving thanks to the Lord. HE still touches peoples hearts. HE still writes songs through the pen of the musician. HE still heals wounds of abuse and neglect. HE still removes the impact of disease. I can definitely tell you that HE IS and HE IS A REWARDER of those that will go after HIM with relentless pursuit. If you have never asked Him into your heart it's easy, just say,
"Lord come live in my heart. Live your life through me. I BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE and that you are a rewarded of those that diligently seek you. I make you my Lord and Savior today!" Amen!


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