Many young people are transitioning this week into another season of life. They call this process “graduation”. Some leave high school for college. Others leave college for a “rude awakening” aka the real world! And there are a few that simply graduate levels of education for they have no plans to ever leave the system of learning.
Whatever your particular transition, at this moment you are completely saturated with POTENTIAL. Potential is not what you have achieved but rather refers to what you are capable of. We use other words to describe it…possibility, probability, capability, etc. In fact people may say things about you like “he/she has the “makings of” of great attorney or doctor.
The likelihood of you doing what you were designed to do with all of the capability that has been planted in you is determined by your ability to recognize YOUR potential and unleash it. Scripture says that “all things are possible to those who BELIEVE.”
Every word you speak, every interview you participate in, every action of your life expresses the amount of belief you have in your potential. It’s time for you to sincerely BELIEVE in YOU! Throughout your educational process you have been in a “becoming” session. You were becoming all that you could be and becoming well equipped to do incredible things that nobody else can do but you. Now you will be coming out of your shell and you’re your destined purpose. Activate the potency in your potential this week and unleash your giftings to the world. We have been waiting for YOU!
Whatever your particular transition, at this moment you are completely saturated with POTENTIAL. Potential is not what you have achieved but rather refers to what you are capable of. We use other words to describe it…possibility, probability, capability, etc. In fact people may say things about you like “he/she has the “makings of” of great attorney or doctor.
The likelihood of you doing what you were designed to do with all of the capability that has been planted in you is determined by your ability to recognize YOUR potential and unleash it. Scripture says that “all things are possible to those who BELIEVE.”
Every word you speak, every interview you participate in, every action of your life expresses the amount of belief you have in your potential. It’s time for you to sincerely BELIEVE in YOU! Throughout your educational process you have been in a “becoming” session. You were becoming all that you could be and becoming well equipped to do incredible things that nobody else can do but you. Now you will be coming out of your shell and you’re your destined purpose. Activate the potency in your potential this week and unleash your giftings to the world. We have been waiting for YOU!