Joy is a weapon

Have you ever thought about JOY being used to destroy the things that attack you? Joy is a weapon. In fact in the Book of Phillipians, Paul mentions it 14 times! In the Book of James it tells us to consider it PURE JOY when we face trials. Why? Because when we can let JOY rise up in the midst of adversity, JOY wins!

To rejoice means to be joyful over and over again. So why not start adding to your JOY account? This week I will give you a few things that you can do to increase in joy and develop a lifestyle that makes you a happier person. They will all be found in Phillipians. We will sharpen the weapon of JOY and use it to chase away those blues. Joy is MY choice. No one can MAKE me sad.

So are you ready for a fat JOY account?

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