Thrill of victory...
Anyone who says that it doesn’t matter if you win or lose has never won. Life is full of great wins and painful defeats. I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to be involved with both and I must say that winning is great. There is something released in the body, mind and spirit when victory occurs. That euphoric feeling and emotion makes everything else seem better for the moment. But just like the old ABC commercial, there is a thrill of victory and an agony of defeat. Losing does not feel pleasant. In fact it can really hurt. And in my life one of the things that I am noticing about is that it is even harder to lose after you have had a great win.
Today it does matter if you win or lose. You are created to win and here is the twist for the follower of Christ. Even when you lose, you win. What? That’s right, when you feel defeated, God can use those feelings to rebuild and reshape you so that you get back in the game and win again. So don’t live defeated lives watching from the sidelines. You may have been hurt by someone you loved. You may have lost your ability to produce an income. Why you may have even suffered a defeat in a financial battle. The key to winning is to keep playing. Get back in the game and take those life lessons from the losses with you. You are a winner in Christ!
Today it does matter if you win or lose. You are created to win and here is the twist for the follower of Christ. Even when you lose, you win. What? That’s right, when you feel defeated, God can use those feelings to rebuild and reshape you so that you get back in the game and win again. So don’t live defeated lives watching from the sidelines. You may have been hurt by someone you loved. You may have lost your ability to produce an income. Why you may have even suffered a defeat in a financial battle. The key to winning is to keep playing. Get back in the game and take those life lessons from the losses with you. You are a winner in Christ!