It's time to be diligent...

Are you the type of person that always shows up ten minutes late? Do you find yourself always feeling unprepared? The only way to break a bad habit is to be diligent in doing the right thing over and over again until it becomes second nature to you. We need to become more diligent. So what does it mean to be diligent? Diligence is defined as steady application or consistency. In Hebrews 11:6 it says that” without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.” Not only is diligence crucial in developing good habits; it would appear that our greatest hope in finding our way to God is to diligently seek Him. We know God exists because we see Him in all that He has created. Creation lets us know that there is a Creator. By faith we trust in Him because we know and believe that he cares about what is happening in our lives. Not only does he help us, he is a rewarder to those that consistently seek Him. There is no better time than right now to be more diligent in your devotion time, in reading your bible and in praying for your friends. Those that seek Him will surely find Him and when the Lord is on your side, who can be against you?


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