Hating correction is STUPID!

Did you know that those words are in the bible? Proverbs 12:1...it says that a man who hates correction is stupid. In this day and age nobody likes to be corrected. In fact we often rebel against anything or anyone that attempts to make straight our errors. When a correction is made there is a clarification of a misunderstanding.
What I am realizing is that being corrected is a good thing because your life and your situation is being made straighter and is becoming more purposeful because all misunderstandings are being dealt with.
The first time I read these words I was at a golf school in Florida. I was taking some lessons and trying to "clarify my misunderstandings" of the game. My first day with the golf instructor was brutal. It seemed that nothing I did was right. My grip was wrong, my swing was bad and he even noted that my clubs did not fit my body! It would have been easy to say "well, what do you know, I do just fine with these clubs!". I was somewhat embarassed by the errors that he was correcting. That night I read this Proverb and the next day I chose to embrace the correction.
It made such a difference in how I play the game. You won't see me on the PGA tour but I can play a good game with just about anyone today. Why? Because I'm not STUPID. I learned how to receive correction and not rebel against it.
Why don't you try it today?


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