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"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." James 3:13

As we develop our lives as fully devoted followers of Christ there should be some significant changes that take place. It will change the way we talk. We'll be more positive and affirming of others. It will change our emotional make-up. We will be more evenly balanced and less likely to "lose our mind". The most important change will be how God shows up in our actions and "deeds". This "good life" is made possible because we are humbled by the new awareness of how great our God is and ALL that is possible through Him and in Him. There are two types of wisdom. That's right, it's a simple decision between two choices...earthly wisdom and heavenly wisdom. We will look at each in the next couple of days.
Today, see if you can let your good life and good deeds show up in a way that will help bring positive life change to those around you! Show it!


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