The Breakfast of Champions
How do you begin your day? Is it always a struggle to get yourself up in the morning? Are your most important thoughts deciding what you will wear and what to eat for breakfast? In the Psalms David told us that he would get up and begin his day with the Lord by calling upon him in the morning. Morning became a special time for David to hear from God . In Revelation 22:16, Jesus is called the Bright and Morningstar. What is a morningstar? I believe that his name here means that he is the dawn of a new eternal day. When we start the day with the Lord on our mind, we know that we stay on his mind throughout the day too. Why not spend some time with the Lord this morning and start the day off right with the Bible; which is the original breakfast of Champions! Let his star brighten up your morning and prepare you for the day ahead. Your problems may not all disappear but through each and every one of your trials you can look up to heaven and thank the Bright and Morningstar for the strength to get through the day.